IBaaD Academy

Pay When Able:
A Legacy of Empowerment

“Pay When Able” is an innovative payment gateway concept rooted in the vision and entrepreneurial spirit of late Mr. Muhammad Muhammad Thowfeek (MMT), represent his enduring legacy. His life’s work was dedicated to Dawah and uplifting the poor, needy, and downtrodden, and this initiative carries forward his mission to empower millions through education, skill development and Islamic finance literacy. With the objective of Learn Now, Pay Later (Pay When Able).

Taking Islamic Finance To Grassroots and Doorsteps to Empower All.

Boardroom to Classroom

To truly revolutionize Islamic finance education, we must transition from exclusive boardrooms to inclusive classrooms. This shift ensures that the principles and practices of Islamic finance are not confined to elite circles but are accessible to all.

Corporates to Literates

Our mission is to expand the reach of Islamic finance beyond corporate executives to include everyday individuals. By moving from corporates to literates, we aim to demystify Islamic finance and make it relevant to the daily lives of people.

Physical to Virtual

Embracing modern technology, we are shifting from purely physical classrooms to virtual and hybrid learning environments. This transition allows us to reach a global audience, breaking geographical barriers and making Islamic finance education accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Target Market is wide open for all of us to tap. Uplift them and then Monitize.

Lacks Basic Literacy

Targeting 2.2 billion people who lack basic literacy, financial, digital and numeracy hindering their participation in the digital economy.

Alleviate Poverty

There are almost 4 billion people globally in poverty, earning a meagre $5 per day, sometimes, without knowing when and where they get their next meal. 


Educate, empower, support and fund MSMEs who can create jobs, wealth and uplift any ailing economy. Today, MSMEs account for 90% of all businesses worldwide contribute to over 50% of employment and contribute a significant portion to the GDP too.

Technology to reach ALL

Technological advancements, like AI, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Tokens, Cryptos etc., should not be a detrimental to the humanity, where 1.7 billion people have globally remain unbanked and no access to financial services

Solution Providers

Educating and Empowering Job Seekers to become Solutions Provides, tapping into multiple pathways to capitalize on the Islamic finance industry’s growth potential and enormous opportunities.

Pay When Able (PwA) Request Form

PWA Form
Payment Options:
By submitting this PwA Request Form, I agree to the ‘Pay When Able’ (PwA) Payment Gateway’s Terms, Conditions, Criteria and Eligibility