Why Study Islamic Banking and Finance?
Although Islamic Banking and Finance industry is growing, there is a discernible issue that is not being addressed – and that is the lack of skill and talent, coupled with practice.
Today, 95% of the existing staff lacks adequate qualifications and practical experience to properly capitalise on the opportunities present in the Islamic finance industry and take it to people of all faiths, beliefs and backgrounds all over the world.
The growth potential and the rate at which it can happen is truly inspiring and motivating compared to what we are seeing at present – and this, is what we are out to do. We want to build a new breed of Islamic Bankers, Islamic Finance Specialists and Ethical Entrepreneurs.
- 20 Sections
- 48 Lessons
- 12 Weeks
- Learn from the Practitioners1
- IFLCP - FUNDAMENTALS of Islamic Finance - Skip or Browse through if completed before.8
- 2.0WATCH-Basics of Islamic Banking and Finance – IFLCP – EDIBF
- 2.1WATCH-Commercial Ethics of Islamic Banking – IFLCP – EDIBF
- 2.2WATCH-Responsibilities of Shariah Supervisory Board (SSB) – IFLCP – EDIBF
- 2.3WATCH-Islamic Finance Infrastructure Institutions (IIFIs) – IFLCP – EDIBF
- 2.4WATCH-Difference between Islamic & Conventional Banking – IFLCP – EDIBF
- 2.5WATCH-Emergence of Islamic Banking & Finance -IFLCP – EDIBF
- 2.6WATCH-The Laws of Islamic Banking Contacts – EDIBF
- 2.7WATCH-Accounting Standards of Islamic Finance – EDIBF
- IBANKER - CIBF (L3) & DIBF (L4) - Skip or Browse through, if completed before.5
- BOOSTING the Islamic finance industry-empowering the Next Generation Alpha1
- DIFFERENCE between Islamic & Conventional Banking.1
- COMPARISON: Can an Islamic Bank do all what a Conventional Bank does?1
- INTEREST Bearing to Profit & Loss Sharing4
- PRACTICAL Case study: Interest Bearing to P&L Sharing2
- ROI Vs Ethicsl? What will Islamic & Conventional Banks picks?1
- SOURCES & Application of Funds - Islamic Banking1
- PRODUCT Development Process & Shariah Supervisory Board1
- MAJOR Islamic Finance Products2
- ASK MIT LIVE SESSIONS (OPTIONAL)- Every Saturdays. 5pm. Kuwait time. Q&A SESSIONSPlease email to get your login details. Info@ibaad.academy OR team@ibaad.academy1
- OVERVIEW Presentation Slides2
- READ Articles5
- LISTEN - Practical Common Q&As3
- LISTEN - Bonus Ask Why?5
- 19.0WHY? Over 50 years. Only 1% of the global wealth attracted to the Islamic finance fold.
- 19.1WHY? Gap Between the Rich & Poor – Islamic Finance as a Solution Provider? – EDIBF
- 19.2WHY? Use Social Media Wisely. For Teens and Grown ups too.
- 19.3WHY? 3Cs of Islamic Finance
- 19.4WHY? By 2030 approx. 90% of the Islamic Banks will offer only 1-2 products.
- DO - Puzzles4
- DO - Mocks Practice Q&As1
- DO - Final Examination2